The information era has helped created the Internet and in turn is being shaped by this vast and all encompassing medium. Coupled with the evolution of the microchip technology, what our minds crave, short of an immediate physical delivery over the wire to our doorstep, can easily and instantly be gratified.

This more mundane but still miraculous "Search and Ye Shall Quickly Find" paradigm manifests itself in endless combination of computer software and hardware, everywhere on the globe and on a continuing basis.

For both public and personal enrichment, the Internet has already shown what it can offer. And this powerful and versatile form of communication looks set to win more converts at an astonishing rate over time.

This new environment requires new understanding in how sight, sound, space and time interact, and how the mind can assimilate this ever increasing amount of information in such short period of time without getting somewhat jaded.

The audience is no less real and truly global. The call to innovation is familiar and new tools are being developed, almost incessantly, to ensure the continued growth in usage and popularity of this brave new communication medium.

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